How to increase sales conversion rates
Mar 15, 2021
When I get asked how to increase your sales conversion rates, my soul sinks a little, thinking of all the bro-led masculine sales techniques that many have tried.
House of Seductology clients have often been taught lessons using hustle, burnout, force, and push energy… which has left them hating sales. It’s something that must be done but they hate doing it.
The truth is your conversion rates and increasing your sales conversion rates can change your business. For you to work less and live more.
But if you’ve tried increasing your conversion rates for your coaching or professional services business with force and masculine energy alone, you're missing your superpower.
I’m an advocate of a blend of techniques that will increase your conversion rates.
From using that intuition and gut feeling you’ve been told to ignore, to un-checking all the boxes and doing all the things, to doing aligned actions that work for you.
And whether you are a woman or identify as she/her; let’s embrace that magical feminine superpower, to be in flow with your business, and this will be a natural increase in your conversation rates with pleasure and profit.
What are conversion rates?
If you are like me and didn’t go to business school, you’ve learned how to grow a business organically and with tenacity. This is why, when I ask entrepreneurs do they know what a conversion rate is and do they know theirs, the response is usually confusion and sheepishness.
In simple terms, your conversion rate is simply the percentage of sales leads that you convert into a sale.
This is a very simple term and of course, it depends on what and how you define a sales lead.
If you are new to this work look at these 4 areas to increase profitability which are linked to conversion rates:
- Leads, number, and quality.
- Conversion rate of leads to sales.
- Average sales value per customer/sale.
- Profit Margin.
- The customer journey for the un-converted.
Why is conversion rate so important?
I want you to imagine now that you love what you do (and you do, right) and of course you are great at what you do. Meaning that you’d love to spend more time doing what you love to do in business, rather than on sales and marketing.
Say that you have a current conversion rate of 20%. Now imagine you and I are working together and increase that conversion rate to 30%. The result isn’t then just a 10% increase; it’s a juicy 50% increase.
By increasing your conversion by 10%, you are increasing your turnover by 50%. OMG – you’re getting excited now! And that’s the ability to create clients and convert with pleasure and flow. It makes you more money.
I know; where has this flow-based aligned sales technique been all your business life?!
This is the antidote to hustle, burnout, and sales that leave you feeling icky.
If you are ready to rip out the rotten sales conversion tactics built on lack and force, then don’t click another blog post. Join Persuasion now. The self-study program that, if you give me 3 days, will see you walk away with the tools to sell with ease and have conversations that convert!
Host & Seductress at House of Seductology