How to Cut Through the Marketing Noise
Apr 22, 2021
There are many stats about how many messages consumers see each day. According to the American Marketing Association in 2017, it was 10,000 messages per day. However, I know you cannot remember 10,000 messages that you've seen in the last 24 hours. So how are you expected to get through those 10,000 so that your audience sees your message?
The answer is simple. Attention.
But the detailed answer is a lot more complicated. Attention, for those who matter.
In essence, what this is saying is it's for those in your audience who are looking to buy. Now not everybody will be a prospect for your goods or your services. If you are doing business right there should be a huge amount of people who do not like what you do. After all, we don't want to be vanilla in our marketing.
But the bigger question is how do you get the attention of your ideal client?
Put yourself in their shoes
As the leading Seductologist here at HOS, I see this so often with people marketing for themselves. After all, haven't you heard from an expert or guru that your audience are like you? Whilst that is true in many cases, they are not you. You are further along in your journey.
If you were in their shoes right now, what would stand out to you?
Something else that isn't right is doing the same as everybody else in your industry, in the same way, with the same pictures and the same messaging. That is the simplest way to blend in.
In recent years, the term personal branding has been on the rise.
Personal Branding as such means imagery, commissioning photoshoots and having a style for imagery that is associated with a brand at large.
We are talking about being personalised and they, your ideal client, connect deeper with you and your brand on a personal level.
What makes you, you?
What makes your brand, you?
I'm going to beg you right now.
Create content that matters
Gone are the days of creating content for content's sake. Quantity is not as important as the quality, and quality is defined by content that matters to your ideal audience.
Returning to point one, what content, if at all & in what format, do they want from you? Focus on engagement, insights, expertise, inspiration and aspiration. You've got to know which one resonates with your audience.
Go where the fish are
I will talk about this one time and time again.
Figure out where the fish are and then be where it matters. It's exhausting to be everything to everyone. And it's even more exhausting trying to attract everyone on every platform.
Focus on your ideal client, focus on your people. Where do they want to be engaging with you?
In conclusion, to cut through the marketing noise you need to humanise it. After all, you're selling to humans, not robots. Stop treating everybody the same and talk to the few to get through to the many.
Head Seductress
House of Seductology
PS 😘 Would you like to find out more about desire-led marketing? Sign up for our free, packed-full desire-led masterclass to learn how to implement this in your business ASAP.